Ontraport Stories

Italian Fix

Living a rich life is not from the things you have, it’s from the things you do,
the people you meet along the way, and the experiences you put yourself
in front of and that’s why I do what I do.
The Entrepreneur

A mere stone’s throw away from British Columbia’s picturesque capital, the equally enchanting city of Nanaimo serves as the backdrop to one fiery redhead’s remarkable travel business, Italian Fix. Bianca Gignac, a self-proclaimed Girl Boss, wife and mother of one runs the greater part of her business out of her family home. The rest she spends on the breathtaking coastal terraces of Italy, ushering her customers through coastal towns, vineyards and landmarks fit for postcards — a glass of wine in one hand and a fork in the other. 

Using her self-taught Italian language skills, her highly personable nature and her curiosity for her surroundings, Bianca gets to know local vendors and finds the town’s hidden gems to create highly curated itineraries for her travelers. 

Italian Fix boldly goes where few such businesses dare — delivering intimate, unforgettable guided tours of Italy for women. Crediting travel with adding a layer of richness to her life, Bianca Gignac channeled the warmth and bewilderment she felt from an extended stint abroad into her ultimate passion project. 

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The Backstory

A crushing breakup stirs yearning. It invites us to molt into our new selves and flee our comfort zones. Bianca’s first heartbreak was no exception. Refusing to wallow in self-pity, she took to the skies. Of the many borders crossed and flags planted along the way, one fateful trip landed her in Cinque Terre — the gem of the Italian west coast. What happened there ignited an everlasting romance — not only with the charming olive-skinned boy who would soon be her husband, but with the human experience.

Puzzled by our worldwide obsession with material wealth, the then twenty-something British Columbian made a vow; she took it upon herself to infuse the unyielding excitement from her native voyage to Italy into as many adventurous women as she could.

Having mastered the language and made unbreakable bonds with the many local townsfolk she’d met in her travels, it was only fitting that she’d launch Italian Fix — facilitating an experience that engenders relaxation, bonding, and self-discovery.

When people come home from my trips I really want them to feel filled with an optimism and a beauty about the world because it’s very, very easy for us to get caught up in the daily life. When they come home, I want them to feel more inspired and happy and feeling like there’s more of a palpable excitement about what’s ahead of them.

The Triumphs

Since joining Ontrap, Bianca has:

Streamlined her sales process entirely

Achieved an astounding 4.52 percent overall conversion rate from opt-in to purchase

Collected over 8800 Contacts as of December 2016
Launched a referral program

Made over $420,000 in sales as of December 2016

Launched a side business: A stand-alone membership product, Gigi Guides, targeted to the independent travelerCollected over 8800 Contacts as of December 2016

Once processed $51,000 in sales while at the park with her daughter

How Ontraport Got Her There

Post-Purchase Follow-Up

Taking the leap with automation has broadened Bianca’s horizons on how she can deliver remarkable experiences to her customers — those traveling with her abroad. One big part of that is delivering post-purchase content via sequences to prep travelers for their big trip to the old country. She boasts “It takes no brain space for me to deliver all of that and it feels really seamless and professional and I love that.”

Streamlined Order Processing

“If I think back to a year ago and where I was when I processed all of my client payments on a certain day and — I want to cry,” Bianca laments. Three AM nights weren’t uncommon as she was forced to hand type invoices, build complicated spreadsheets, and send one-off receipts to each of her customers using Gmail — a draining endeavor to say the least.

Bianca has since streamlined her sales process entirely using Ontraport. This has allowed her to scale her original offerings and launch a brand-new, lucrative membership product, Gigi Guides, targeted to the independent traveler. 

She now has avenues that she didn’t have before to sell each of her products quickly and the automation to take all manual processing of purchases off her plate entirely. “I processed $51,000 in sales the other day and I was actually at the park with my kid.” 

Targeted Marketing

A creative soul through and through, Bianca admits that she was leery of investing in software. She pens every email and piece of web content on top of curating her company’s social media accounts — obscuring her voice through automation was not an option. To her surprise, Ontraport did anything but. All marketing content goes out with unique quirks, humor, and Bianca’s lustrous personality intact. Her brand voice paired with Ontraport’s marketing engine are responsible for converting 4.52 percent of her leads into elated customers.

I focus a lot on copy and I really like to surprise people when they
get all the correspondence from me. The automation just helps send
it out… it’s still 100% me.

Ontraport Pages + Ontraport Forms

Ontraport Pages and Ontraport Forms, staple features of Ontraport, have afforded Bianca the luxury of designing and launching order pages in less than thirty minutes in order to generate sales.

“I did it the other day. I sold a new product within a conversation with a client using an Ontraport Form — thirty minutes. And I made $1,500 instantly.”

Discover how thousands of businesses have grown using Ontraport.
